•Based on public health goal of reduction in the prevalence of hemoglobinopathies -Establishing services at the community level for pre-marital and pre-conception screening backed by genetic counseling services.
•Based on the rights of prospective parents at risk of having a child with a serious genetic disorder -Train healthcare personnel for delivery of genetic counseling services for families at risk.
GIPCI Card very easy to use:
•Automatic genetic inheritance pattern identification of Thalassemia, Sickle cell anaemia etc.
•Counselling of prospective parents helping them make informed choice.
•Even paramedics, lay persons, prospective parents not skilled in genetic or marriage counselling, can use it to reach the result.
Benefits of using GIPCI cards:
•No need to spend money on hiring a genetic counsellor.
•Know the instant result on your own, saving time.
•Know the possibilities of offspring affected with a genetic disease.
•Reduce the economic burden related to your health.
•Automated online Counselling via QR Code.
•App and Software assisted card choice for Health professionals also available.
•Orientation programme available.