Re-defining Preventive medicine.

The Problem
Genetic Disorder with no cure!

The Grand launch
Prime Minister dedicated Genetic counselling card to the nation.

The Solution
Most cost effective DIY (very easy to implement) innovative solution.

How does it work?
A novel system for visual prediction of Mendelian inheritance of single gene autosomal recessive disease.

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
-Benjamin Franklin
HO estimates that each year: Over 3 to 5 lakh babies with severe forms of these diseases are born worldwide, the majority in low and middle-income countries. 5-7% of the world’s population are carriers of a trait gene for haemoglobin disorders mainly sickle-cell disease or thalassaemia.
They need regular transfusions to survive. Many die perinatally due to α thalassaemia major. Over 9 million carriers become pregnant. 10 lakh new carrier couples with over 1.7 million pregnancies. Around 75% are at risk. In principle, all need expert risk assessment and genetic counselling.
In India: According to the NHM Government of India, India has the highest number of 42 million Thalassemia patients in the world and about 10,000 to 15,000 children affected by Thalassemia Major are born every year.
And sickle cell disease in India varies from 1 to 35% in different communities, which is an exceptionally large number. According to the NHM’s Policy Document 2016 and WHO, huge number of genetic counselors will have to be appointed in health centers for effective prevention of these diseases.
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