The Novel GIPCI card bears a QR Code, on scanning this QR the mobile app will do an online video counselling 24 x 7.
According to WHO: Some endemic countries in the Mediterranean region, long-established control programs have achieved 80-100% prevention of newly affected births. Blood cell, Department of Health, Govt. of M.P has already implemented the said cards in 22 tribal districts of the state. Annexure – 4 News
Sickle cell anemia & thalassemia are cause of an unnecessary health and economic burden on the affected family and on health care infrastructure of the country. Each child needs treatment of Rs.2,00,000/- per year. Parents missing work and/or losing their job for care leads to loss to economy of about Rs.3,500 Crores annually. Loss to future GDP through childhood deaths, in 2017 was calculated to be about Rs.1,000 Crores.
Therefore, implementation of these highly cost-effective, easy to use GIPCI Card has 100% potential to prevent the said diseases in our country. This will not only bring down the disease burden on our country, but also save taxpayers money.
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