Gene Card Uncategorized

Sickle cell status ID Card

Sickle cell status ID Card is a Patented and copyrighted product of Dr.Smita Nisanth Nambison.

Gene Card

यह क्या बिमारी है?

हीमोग्लोबिनोपैथी (थैलेसीमिया और सिकल सेल रोग) हीमोग्लोबिन में पाई जाने वाली विकृतियाँ हैं। थैलेसीमिया में हीमोग्लोबिन की संरचना में विकृतियाँ होती है, जबकि सिकल सेल एनीमिया में लाल रक्त कोशिका का आकर हँसिया (सिकल) जैसा हो जाता है। जिससे मरीज गंभीर रूप से एनेमिक (रक्त अल्पता) हो जाता है और उनके रक्त की ऑक्सीजन ले […]

Gene Card


Disease- what is it? Hemoglobinopathies (Thalassemia & Sickle cell disease) are abnormality in Hemoglobin. In thalassemia the structure of hemoglobin deforms, whereas in sickle cell anaemia red blood cell shape deforms to sickle shape. Making the patient severely anaemic and the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood is compromised. Being an important cause of morbidity […]

Gene Card

Why issue GIPCI cards to normal people?

After screening of the complete population in a certain geographic area why is it necessary to issued to 100% screened population, here are some points for consideration. 100% card distribution is model is being used in Gujrat, Orissa, CG, MP etc.. Matching of the card: Supposing a normal person wants to marry some other person […]

Gene Card


Gene Card

How does it work?

The Novel GIPCI card bears a QR Code, on scanning this QR the mobile app will do an online video counselling 24 x 7. According to WHO: Some endemic countries in the Mediterranean region, long-established control programs have achieved 80-100% prevention of newly affected births. Blood cell, Department of Health, Govt. of M.P has already […]

Gene Card

The Grand Launch

Prime Minister dedicated Genetic counselling card to the nation Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi launched Sickle Cell Eradication Mission in Bhopal on November 15, 2021. To mark the occasion of birth anniversary of legendary freedom fighter Birsa Munda. On this occasion Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi gave special Hemoglobinopathy genetic counselling cards to the beneficiaries […]

Gene Card

The Solution

The simple yet powerful solution to this complex problem is GIPCI Card (color coded Genetic inheritance prediction counselling card) & associated AI based mobile app invented/patented by Drs.Nambison solves this problem in fraction of cost. A novel system for visual prediction of Mendelian inheritance of single gene autosomal recessive disease, through the use of specially […]

Gene Card

The Problem

WORLDWIDE Prevalence of Hb-pathies: WHO estimates that each year: Over 3 to 5 lakh babies with severe forms of these diseases are born worldwide, the majority in low and middle-income countries.  5-7% of the world’s population are carriers of a trait gene for hemoglobin disorders mainly sickle-cell disease or thalassemia.  They need regular transfusions to survive. […]